Saremy's Holiday Non-Travel Traditions

Saremy, the owner and designer behind Chicken Boots and creator of the two largest bags (the Double Double, and a specially created for JBW slightly larger version) we are featuring in our 2013 Holiday Collection shared with us her holiday traditions story below. She and her family try not to travel during the holidays so that they can spend the day in the comfort of their home. We love her traditions, and how cute are her chickens!?!?!

"There is always something special about the time between November and January-whether you celebrate Christmas, another holiday or none. My family is quite small with only me, my husband and our daughter, Cricket, who is 11. We tend to stay at home during Christmas. Occasionally we have ventured to see our families but typically we always try and wake up at home Christmas morning. I do love lights and we usually have big paper star lanterns in all our front windows each season and a live tree in the house decorated only with homemade ornaments. The only other decorations are our stockings-my favorite part- and a gingerbread house or two. We don’t actually let our chickens eat them though!

 Our tradition is to open one gift on Christmas eve (usually nice jammies-which was instigated by mom when I was young because she always wanted us to wake up in something nice that could we could be photographed in while opening our presents). We always put out snacks for reindeer and Santa, track him on the Norad Santa tracker ( and then when we wake up Cricket is allowed to open anything that was set out in the night by Santa including our stockings. We do not actually go to extremes in gift giving and really try and only get what someone wants or has requested. But it is nice to have at least one thing you get to ‘play’ with or figure out the rest of the day. And of course I knit and drink mulled wine-but not usually at the same time.

We eat a splendid meal of local items-the past few years included chickens we raised and even a turkey once. My husband loves to cook! And I LOVE that he cooks! It’s win-win. Our daughter is vegetarian so we always have multiple entrees at each meal. Cricket is also quite passionate about helping houseless or less fortunate people and we will go to great lengths especially during this time of year to help where we can-but it’s a year-round interest for her.

I am excited this year because my parents have moved closer to us! This will be our first year in a very long time that they will be with us on Christmas day- that probably means homemade donuts! Another of my mom’s traditions! It’s a good one. Happy holidays!


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  6. I really enjoyed reading about Saremy's Holiday Non-Travel Traditions! It's so refreshing to see someone coming up with creative ways to stay connected with family and friends during the holiday season. It's an inspiring reminder that we don't have to be apart to be together.

  7. Wow, Saremy, this is such a great idea! I love that you've put together a list of fun and creative ways to celebrate the holiday season without having to travel. I love the idea of having a holiday movie night, taking a virtual tour of a historic place, and creating a holiday village. These are all fantastic ways to stay connected with family and friends and still have a great time.

  8. This is a great article! It's so important to remember that we can still have a wonderful holiday season without traveling, and Saremy has provided some really unique and creative ideas to help us make the most of this special time. I'm definitely looking forward to trying some of these ideas!

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  10. It's so nice to see some creative ideas for celebrating the holidays without having to travel. I'm definitely going to try some of the traditions listed here!

  11. The holidays don't have to be about travel. Saremy's suggestions are creative and budget-friendly, making it easy to build new traditions that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home.

  12. The only other decorations are our stockings-my favorite part- and a gingerbread house or two. We don’t actually let our chickens eat them though!

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