Artyarns Elevate your Art giveaway!

Every once in a while, there are women who inspire us to keep trying to improve ourselves for the better and prove that no matter what life you've been given, you can make it your own. Iris Schreier is one of those women.  

Iris Schreier, Founder and Owner of Artyarns
Iris grew up in Manhattan, NYC on 79th street on the west side! In a previous life, she worked at various corporations in New York City for 20+ years in a variety of publishing positions ranging from editor to internet new business development (McGraw-Hill, Wiley, Scholastic).

These days, she runs the super successful yarn and design company, Artyarns. Her daily schedule seems pretty hectic! She usually works at home for a few hours before hitting the gym for a bit, then heads into the office/factory around 11.  Believe it or not, knitting and designing only takes up about 10-20% of her time, the rest is used to help run the business.

And what an amazing job she's done. If you've seen their Facebook page, you'll know that Iris is in LOVE with Facebook and it is her latest addiction. They continually have new patterns, products and project ideas streaming in!!

One of the most amazing things I admire about Iris has been her super healthy lifestyle shift. Through nutrition, supplements and weight training, she has changed her day to day quality of life dramatically (and she can do a shoulder stand)!! Iris told me that she still firmly believes that you can get healthier as you get older....

And what does Iris have up her sleeve for us next? Well, she is coming out with the first in a series of new books with Lark in March 2012 which will pick up some of the beautiful graphic elements created by Officelab for Artyarns in Project Re-Brand with American Express. Check out the links at the bottom of the post to find more information about their work with American Express.

But here is our new favorite little shiny thing! Artyarns has these amazingly stylish new "Shawl for All Seasons" Kits. They come in a sleek silver tin and are just stunning! Here are the different styles:

3 Colorway Options:
Champagne (silver beads & sequins)
Wildflowers (gold beads & sequins)
Minerals (gold beads & sequins)
And the kits includes:
-1 200-yard skein of Rhapsody glitter Light
-4 small skeins of Beaded Silk & Sequins Light (approximately 20 yards per skein = 80 yds total)
-Knitting Pattern for Shawl for All Seasons
-Decorative Box

Requirements:  Size US 9 Needles, tapestry needle
Shawl Measurements:  56" (142cm) long x 10" (25cm) wide
Gauge:  4 sts and 5 rows = 1" x 1"

The good news is you can knit or crochet the shawl - whichever you prefer! 

And the SUPER good news is that Artyarns is giving away one of these spectacular kits to one of our lucky readers. Here are the details: 

To enter to win, please leave a comment on how you "Elevate your Art" (only one entry per person please!) between now and Tuesday, August 23rd at midnight PST. We will pick and announce by random number generator the winner on Wednesday, August 24th.

For more information about Iris or Artyarns, be sure to check them out here:
On Facebook
On Twitter
On Ravelry
Her Blog

Here are Iris' books:
Exquisite Little Knits (co-authored with Laurie Kimmelstiel)
Modular Knits
Lacy Little Knits
Reversible Knits

And here are the AM articles:
American Express Video:

American Express Articles:

Thank you Iris for talking with us and continuing to raise the bar on showing us what is possible when you follow your passion! 

Good luck everyone!

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Reversible Knits


  1. Sooo pretty! I would love to make one of those shawls. Just doing that would elevate my art!

  2. GAH -- I love love love ArtYarns. I elevate my art by using the best materials which I can afford -- I knit better with the really awesome stuff!

  3. I just started knitting and was only knitting scarves and afghans ( no worry on size). I have elevated my knitting by taking sock and entrelac classes at my LYS. Next will be a sweater class. I am having fun trying new yarns including some artyarns to make the little shrug from vogue knitting magazine. Hope to win the kit as I love artyarns fiber but being retired has curtailed some of my yarn buying

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I elevate my art by using yarn that qualifies as art on its own, like Art Yarns! I also really love Iris Schreier's books and designs!

  6. I elevate my art by knitting things I truly enjoy dedicating the time to! I try to never knit something because it's required.

  7. I started designing last year, I elevate my art by constantly looking for new inspirations to design around. I also love a new challenge, and look for complicated patterns to improve on or add to the skills I already have.

  8. I just downloaded the Lacy Little Knits book, and it has already elevated my art (of) yarn.

  9. I strive to challenge myself with all my art projects. To take on something that seems daunting, can be a confidence booster, that opens the doors to all kinds of potential! It makes me better...

  10. I would love to knit this for a beach wedding I am going to in October! I have the blue/green Artyarn in the Sea Lettuce scarf by Lucy Neatby, so I know how beautifully Artyarns works up. Thanks for supernatural fibery goodness!

  11. Hi
    To develop in my knitting, I have gone on courses and been on courses at my LYS.
    Of course, I try to use the best materials possible, but since I knit a lot and fast, I sometimes reused and redo.
    Of course I love to knit.
    Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Excuse my English, translated from Swedish by Google

  12. I elevate my art by thinking outside the box.

  13. Stunning, simply stunning. I can almost feel the yarn slipping through my fingers!

  14. I always try to elevate my knitting by using beautiful yarns--they inspire me to create beautiful things! I also try to learn something new with each project I do.

  15. I try to elevate my art by doing it only for myself, only because I enjoy it, so it doesn't become a "because I have" or "because I promised" task.

  16. I elevate simple patterns by using the most wonderful yarn I can. Most of the time, the yarn makes the garment and the way it feels and looks. Artyarn yarn has never failed me.

  17. I'd love to use this kit to elevate my knitting, which I really need to work on.gail goodhand without the spaces, of coruse

  18. The art yarns would elevate my knitting...I lost all my stash in a house fire in the "kit" would be wonderful!

  19. Here's how I elevate my art: I put my feet up in a quiet room, and knit with the most sumptuous wool I can find, elevating both me and my art to a zen zone. How sublime!

  20. I think I've elevated my art just by starting to knit. I only began this artful journey in April of this year and I'm already completely addicted to it. I love browsing patterns and trying new yarns in different weights, colors and fibers. It's very exciting!

  21. To paraphrase a recent FB comment - always work with the finest yarn you can afford and you will love your work. This is true. I recently discovered better yarns for sock knitting and now I'm ready to try lace and what better yarn to work with than Iris Schreier's ArtYarns.

  22. I elevate my art my constantly learning new fiber art techniques. No longer just knitting & crocheting. Now I weave, felt, dye and even help out on an alpaca farm.

  23. I absolutely LOVE Artyarns and Iris! I follow her on Twitter and covet all the yarn she puts out. Since unfortunately, I can't afford the most gorgeous Artyarns' beads and sequin yarn, it would not only elevate my art, but also make me ecstatically happy to win the Champagne kit and proudly make the shawl. Thank you for the opportunity!

  24. The kits look like such fun! I'm elevating my art by moving away from chain store man-made fiber yarns to real wool and more natural fibers, learning as I go.

  25. I elevate my art by not being intimidated. I learned how to knit 2 years ago and jumped in with both feet. If you can follow directions and not let mistakes detract you, you can knit anything and you SHOULD knit anything you like. I would love to win this, I've seen the yarn in person and it's amazing. Thanks for the opportunity.

  26. I like to elevate my knitting art by using the best yarns I can afford for each and every project. This shawl would definitely fit the bill. Thanks for the opportunity.

  27. I elevate my art by doing some kind of charity knitting at least a few times each year.

  28. I strive to pay attention to every detail of my needlework, whether crochet or knitting. And I'm not afraid to frog it if I've made a mistake!

  29. I elevate my art by surrounding myself with inspiring people. I learned to knit from a women in her late 70's who produces gorgeous, intricate designs. She's taught me so much more than I could ever learn by just following a pattern (although, she taught me to do that too!)

  30. I elevate my art through exposure to other art forms and creations: namely, visual arts, handcrafts, and music.

  31. I elevate my art by giving to others. All the time I spend on knitting, crocheting, and sewing seems less wasted and a smidge less selfish when the end product will be gifted and not hoarded.

  32. I elevate my art by knitting and creating patterns that are both challenging and enjoyable. My idea of multitasking is knitting while sitting on my deck, riding on the train, or watching TV.

  33. I am so ready to elevate my art! Artyarns, please help me!

  34. I try to find the best yarn I can afford or make for each project so that both look their best.

  35. I elevate my knitting art by:
    1) cross-pollination with my other love - photography. I am always looking for colors and patterns in nature and everyday things.
    2) excitement in trying new knitting techniques.
    3) excitement in seeing a beautiful skein of yarn, wondering what I can knit with it.
    3) this summer I finally got my courage up, showed my knitted garments to a shop owner in my city, and now she carries my knitwear.

  36. I elevate my art by trying new and interesting yarns (hello, Art Yarns! huge fan!) and also by constantly working to perfect the details of my knitting skills through classes and reading.

  37. I elevate my art by pushing my skills to complete lace shawls and other technical boundaries I learn and accomplish.

  38. I elevate my art by trying to make up my own designs. I use the world around me as a source of inspiration with the colors and textures.

  39. I elevate my knitting and inspiration, by breathing in all nature has to offer. Feel the different colors and the millions of variations. Nature is not perfect and neither is my knitting. My best efforts come from mistakes.

  40. I elevate my art by combining different textiles in my projects. I knit and weave with fabric, incorporate ribbon, crochet with rope, etc. I get inspired by the different textures and enjoy repurposing things around my house.

  41. I elevate my art by using exquisite yarn in simple patterns.

  42. Elevating my art, to me, means that I strive to improve the quality of whatever I might be knitting at the time - charity afghan square or lace shawl or whatever.

  43. i elevate my art by starting with a great pattern, and then by using good quality yarns. artyarns is definitely a quality yarn, and one i would actually use if i could afford it more...

  44. I try to improve and elevate my knitting by choosing projects I love, and ignoring the expertise rating. It's been challenging to figure things out, but i've learned so much more than if I only made simple items. And i'm gaining a great appreciatin for different qualities in various yarns.

  45. I elevate my art by using really great yarn, well-written patterns, and by creating a sacred space in my home for indulging in that art - my own little room stuffed with fiber and a rocking chair, and a little classical music every day.

  46. I elevate my art by trying a new technique with each project I do: It can be something "simple," like cables or a new type of increase or decrease, or even an entirely new method, like magic loop!

  47. I elevate my art by using awesome yarns! These kits would truly be awesome!

  48. I elevate my art by always trying to match the perfect yarn to the pattern I am working with.

  49. That yarn is amazing. I don't think of myself as much of an artist, but I try to think a little more outside the box with every project I do - so it's like a process for me!

  50. I elevate my knitting thru working with amazing yarn (Artyarns) and challenging projects.

  51. by finishing (hopefully soon) the scarf i started and blocking the one i just finished !!

  52. I am of the sandwich generation teenagers and parents both living with me. I use my knitting as an escape-I love Artyarns. Exceptional quality yarn definitely elevates my art of knitting.

  53. Elevating the art for me means eliminating acrylic and switching to natural fibers. And trying my hardest not to make dumb mistakes. :-)

  54. I elevate my art by doing it, constantly trying to make it better. Artyarn = yarnlove.

  55. I elevate my art by using the best yarn I can, needles that make knitting a pleasure and by constantly trying new techniques.

  56. I elevate my art by using natural fibers and gifting over 50% of what I knit.

  57. I elevate my art by pushing my personal envelope to improve and experience new things.

  58. I elevate my art by spending time in open knitting at my LYS. There I am surrounded by the beautiful yarns and I also am inspired to start new projects with different yarns.

  59. I elevate my art by soaking in the colors of beautiful yarns.

  60. I am so inspired by Iris and her work. I feel my art/knitting is elevated everytime I use her yarn and patterns

  61. Always try new methods, techniques, and materials really try not to think about results but more of the road travelled and the experience getting there and try to notice the little things.

  62. Just today I was looking through Lacy Knits and Modular knits books trying to decide what to knit next--now I know--what great kits

  63. Gorgeous kits!! I am elevating my art this year by slowly advancing my knitting skills beyond the basic scarf stage. I've also been switching to mostly natural fiber yarns. More $$, but the finished product is sooo much nicer :)

  64. I elevate my art by using items that bring me joy. Colors that sing to me, textures that I enjoy the feel of over and over again, and designs that marry either beauty with a hint of whimsy or elegance with comfort.

  65. Trying increasingly difficult patterns and feeling beautiful yarn as it slides through my fingers... That's how I elevate my art.

  66. I have been inspired daily by Iris on Facebook (and before that, of course). Such beautiful colors and textures...and BEADS!! Thank you!

  67. I elevate my art by trying new techniques with new yarns in new colors. I nearly never not knit.

  68. I elevate my art by trying new things. My latest crafting endeavor is to use colors I wouldn't typically pick to make a project!

  69. I haven't been knitting for very long, so I haven't had a chance to try any Artyarns yet. Using these beautiful yarns would certainly elevate my art!

  70. These kits are truly stunning! I elevate my art by not being afraid to try new things, including patterns, tools, and materials.

  71. I elevate my art by reading, learning and trying new techniques with wonderful "Artyarns". These are the cream of the crop.

  72. I elevate my art by trying new skills, reading and buying the best tools and yarn I can afford!

  73. I elevate my art by continuing to increase my skill through a variety of classes offered at my LYS, by sharing ideas with my knitting friends, and by only using yarns I love.

    Suzanne R.
    slreichel (at)

  74. Oh My I just love the wildflower kit. Making that would certainly elevate my art. The girls in my knitting grouo I am sure would love this also, Joyce D

  75. Wow, what a neat package and lovely idea! Hope I win, love the glitter...just fun. I elevate my art of knitting by challenging myself to do something I have not done before. With all the wonderful indy designers, there is always something new out to challenge all of us. thanks for the contest!

  76. I elevagte my art everytime I learn a new technique. I have learned several this summer and I am proud of how I am progressing beyond scarves and plain shawls.

  77. Love Artyarns, especially the beaded and sequined yarns. I elevate my art by choosing great materials and learning from other yarn artists. I love seeing wonderful designs coming out each day. It's so inspiring!

  78. I'm planning to make my "dream", I must learn a lot to accomplish sweater, Klimt in Verena Fall 2010 and I have my Artyarns Mohair Beaded Sequins yarn along with rest of yarn for sweater out on table to bag for safety. My husband comes into room, I hold my breath, and he says "Wow, that's awesome, what are you making with that?" Elevation!! Thank you Artyarns for your exquisite products and JBW for this opportunity.

  79. I love Artyarns. I elevate my art of knitting by challenging myself and trying to finish more projects than I start.

  80. I elevate my art by matching up yarns with just the right pattern.

  81. Elevating your art takes place every time you start a project. The materials, the tools, the patterns!!! Even if it's a simple charity chemo hat or scarf, just creating is an automatic elevation from the daily grind!
    Loved the Amex link too, just great to see such an artist at work. Made me itch to try an ArtYarn masterpiece.

  82. Thank you, Iris! I elevate my art by playing with new techniques and yarns, leaving behind the biases of 50 years of knitting! Iris, you are one of my favorite newly discovered inspirations...

  83. Since I design my own accessories: shawls, scarves, etc. I do elevate my art knitting with Iris' Artyarns. She's a delightful lady whom I had the pleasure to meet at a workshop @ The Whole Nine Yarns in Woodstock, GA.
    Annabella Monzon

  84. Interesting timing. I am currently in the process of redoing my living space (after 14 years of neglect) and in the process bringing out my yarns from the back closet corner and elevating them to become the focal point of the living room. This is part of my new acknowledgement that fiber is central to my life. I buy the best that I can afford, and I make presents for special people so that I can spurge and buy even better yarn elevating the project into something extraordinary.

  85. I suppose that elevating my art means respecting the artistic value of the things I create and taking the time to figure out what the materials "want" to be instead of trying to force them into submission!

  86. I elevate my art by choosing yarns that are pleasing to my eye with color or texture. I enjoy yarns that have sparkle or a subtle sheen to them as well as progressions of color.

  87. Beautiful, beautiful! I try to elevate my art by truly enjoying the moment. If you find more joy in the art of creating, the finished product is always that much better!

  88. I elevate my art by looking to nature for inspiration! What a gorgeous kit!

  89. I elevate my art by sharing it with others. This makes it more interactive and it ends up more than the sum of its parts!

  90. I elevate my art by trying something new. Whenever I start working on a project, I try very hard to go out of my comfort zone, so I always have at least one "challenge"--a new technique or type of project--going on.

  91. I have elevated my art by constantly teaching myself new techniques and using top quality yarns. I thoroughly enjoy knitting.

  92. I elevate my art by wearing it! Wether it is a shawl I knit or a shirt I tye-dyed.

  93. I elevate my art by knitting things for others to wear. Hand knit items are just a portable hug.

  94. Since losing my job, I elevate my art by recycling thrift shop knits.

  95. Cynthia.landers@ocps.netAugust 19, 2011 at 5:34 AM

    I elevate my art by looking around me. there is inspiration everywhere. You just have to look!

  96. I elevate my art by selecting the best yarn I can afford and then letting the yarn do the talking by selecting simple patterns which show of the yarn.

  97. I elevate my art by meeting with some friends to knit once a week. Chatting about our projects, sharing our ideas, and talking about our lives makes everything more special!

  98. The kits are so lovely...I elevate my art by pausing mid row every so often to stroke and stretch ... sometimes kiss ... heck, I'd marry my knitting if I could.

  99. Elevating my art is done through yarns that are canvases themselves. I believe it is also possible to kick an everyday yarn "up a notch" but picking the perfect pattern to bring out the yarn. Yarn is sort of like people, in that, everyone is special in its own way.

  100. I "Elevate My Art" by not being afraid to try new things/ideas!!! I like to put a little of "myself" into everything I do...even the mistakes :)
    I would love to have the opportunity to "elevate my art" w/one of these beautiful shawl kits...I LOVE the Mineral colorway!

  101. I elevate my knitting by with quality yarns and beautiful patterns. I also like to take classes so I can keep learning new techniques to keep making wonderful pieces that I can share with family and friends!

  102. How inspiring!
    I love fiber bling!

  103. I always use beautiful yarn to elevate my art!

  104. I "elevate my art" with Artyarns - it guarantees a pleasurable sensuous knitting experience and the finished work is a joy to wear and looks beautiful as well.

  105. I look at a pattern and see how i can fit it either to myself, or the yarn i am choosing to use for it! Sometimes the results are not good, but sometimes...GOLDEN!!!

  106. Elevating my art is learning new knitting skills, and I love just looking at Artyarns, it is beautiful

  107. I elevate my art by using quality yarns and always learning. During a snowstorm in 2010, I made my first lace shawl. Winter of 2011, I made mitts using stranded color work. So many gorgeous yarns and patterns, so little time!

  108. I like the yarn to speak for itself. But if it's too plain I can add beads. Thanks.

  109. Every new project I start becomes the most beautiful thing I have ever made-Thanks to the gorgeous yarns available from Art Yarns

  110. I elevate my art by always trying something new with each knitting project I begin. I've only been knitting for 8 months, but my friends tell me it looks like I've been knitting for 8 years! I would love the opportunity to get my hands on one of these kits!

  111. I elevate my art by using Artyarn patterns while dreaming of using their yarn.

  112. I try to elevate my art by trying something new, a new technique or a new yarn.

  113. I elevate my art by taking classes and trying new yarns and techniques. But mostly by sharing with other knitters/fiber lovers!

  114. I elevate my art by never letting a pattern or technique intimidate me! I just go for it, try my best and so far I've always been pretty happy about the results! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Kandice dot Shiell at gmail dot com

  115. That is a beautiful shawl. I elevate my art by constantly trying to think of ways to use different stash yarns together for a project I create for myself or for gifts. Simple things, such as a long cowl switching between left over bits of more expensive yarn with less expensive yarn. I hate waste. Can't let those ends of skeins sit around collecting dust. :)

  116. I elevate my art by taking on new challenges, using the best materials possible, and paying close attention to detail!

  117. I elevate my art by making knit and crochet patterns for items i'd like to see out there where there is a lack!

  118. I elevate my art by turning my negative emotional energy into beautiful knitted, painted or drawn creations. Knitting seems to be the most beneficial of all of it at the moment. I would love this kit - I have recently been turned onto Artyarns and am in lust.

  119. My art is elevated when I use exquisite fibers to make something unique -- I challenge myself to make a beautiful design even more fabulous with color, texture and embellishment.

  120. I "elevate my art" by creating with high quality materials and designs that are innovative. Love love love Artyarns

  121. I elevate my art by trying new designs. Love that kit!

  122. Always trying to expand my skills and my color ways!
    But if I won this I would give to a knitting friend that just broke both her ankles to help her while she recuperates.

  123. So fun to watch the creativity coming from this artist. I haven't knitted in almost 20 years, so much has changed, all more exciting than before. Happy summer all.

  124. I elevate my knitting by using the best yarns I can and adding special touches - beads, etc whenever possible.

  125. I elevate my art by challenging myself to try new techniques and new materials. Whether it's my knitting, my beading, or any of my other creative outlets I find that leaving myself open to the possibilities and not being afraid to fail allows me to grow as an artist.

  126. I elevate my art by using quality materials.

  127. I elevate my art by knitting good intentions into each if my projects

  128. I try to elevate my art by learning something new with every project I start. Notice, I didn't say "finish." What knitter doesn't have a few ufo's lurking around?

  129. I elevate my art by sharing with those which I love

  130. I elevate my art by attempting to learn new techniques and using new materials to help create the best possible end product :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  131. I elevate my art by using quality yarns and patterns. I create things I enjoy and them proudly wear them for others to see.

  132. Artyarns yarns are fantastic! But a bit out of my budget. I use the designs and yarn ideas, to inspire me to create similar designs. I would love to create something with the actual yarn some time!

  133. I like to elevate our art by knitting in public, being patient with people who have questions, and showing my co-workers new knitting tricks.

  134. I like to elevate my art by learning new techniques and putting love into all projects.
    Artyarns are beautiful and inspirational. I would love to win one of the kits!

  135. Since I have discovered Artyarns on FB, I am stunned by the absolutely gorgeous photos of the handcrafted shawls. I would love to learn to knit my own creation.

  136. Using top quality yarns definitely elevates my knitting art. This shawl kit is beautiful! I would love to knit it.

  137. julietaranto@internode.on.netAugust 19, 2011 at 3:20 PM

    I love all your beautiful yarns. I have elevated my art by learning to knit lace patterns and last year taught myself to spin using a spindle.thanks for the opportunity to enter

  138. I elevate my art by doing the creative things I love and take risks by trying new techniques, yarns,and patterns. The shawl kit is lovely.

  139. I elevate my art by getting inspired by patterns I love, and modifying them slightly to match my style!

  140. I elevate my art by pushing myself to learn new skills and techniques. Last summer,
    I learned to doubleknit. This year, it was knitting backwards. I still want to learn how to steek, how to design and a few others.

  141. I'm always open to trying new things. My latest thing is spining yarn on a hand spindle. Thanks for the giveaway. The shawl kit looks lovely. Debbie H

  142. This is the year of "elevating my art" for me. So many things have happened that I can't even keep track. I began spinning this year and I have reached an intrinsic communication with the fiber that I use on a daily basis. Also, I have adopted the mantra "Just do it!" in terms of new techniques. If I want to knit something, I just do it. Flat out. That's my answer to "How do I do xyz?" Just do it. Awesome giveaway and awesome question!
    PurlVerde on Ravelry
    housemonkeywoo at hotmail dot com

  143. I elevate my art when I knit with a purpose for greater good. This year my favorite project was knitting miniature sweaters to raise funds for the homeless. My current project is knitting winter accessories for our Veterans who will be in the VA Hospital this holiday season.

  144. I try to use a new yarn or a new technique with every new project.

  145. I elevate my knitting by donating my creations to local chemo rooms. I was diagnosed with a late stage of cancer at 27 yrs old and found it tough to find cute things to cover my noggin with so I started knitting. Now I expand my creations through graphing paper and YouTube and send them off to other beautifully bald women in need.

  146. I elevate my art in many ways. Trying new yarns from indie suppliers, trying new designers, teaching new knitters, donating to different causes and Always knitting with a smile. Knitting with other knitters really helps.

  147. I elevate my art by using the finest materials I can afford .This kit would be the ultimate.

  148. The way that I elevate my art is to try something different each time I create something. I haven't yet tried knitting with beads. It is on my list for this year. =)

    ~hunnyb~ on ravelry

  149. I elevate my art by trying new techniques- even if they scare me sometimes. I haven't knitted with beads yet but am dying to.

  150. I elevate my art by using new yarns/textures for old favorite patterns.

  151. By exploring all media, color in nature, art... and applying the inspiration there to knitting. Also knitting in a group provides more inspiration than I could ever knit in a lifetime.

  152. I elevate my art by playing with color and texture.

  153. I elevate my art by constantly trying new things - techniques, yarn, tools.

  154. I elevate my art by trying to learn something new on each project. :)

  155. I elevate my crocheting by trying new yarns, different from the pattern recommendation, to get completely different results.

  156. I elevate my art by crafting with my kids. Their open view of the world continually challenges my constraints and keeps me looking at the world through new eyes.

  157. I elevate my art my trying out new knitting techniques and trying out new yarns and patterns. What a great kit and giveaway!

  158. Thanks Iris! I elevate my art my learning how to fix my mistakes, instead of ignoring them or ripping out entire swaths of fabric. Having confidence that I can make something nice allows me to take greater risks in choosing patterns, which in turn elevates my knitting experience.

  159. Quality yarns combined thoughtfully with well designed patterns, and knitting for someone that I care about... Jimmy Beans and Artyarns help out with the first two!

  160. I try to make all of my art relevant to my life, using colors-patterns-shapes etc. that help reflect things that I am trying to work out in my everyday life.

  161. I've been trying to add more of my own twists to patterns or using formulas/guides to do my own thing. I'd love to be entered for this!

  162. I would love to knit this for my wedding. The champagne colorway would be perfect with my dress.

  163. I elevate my art by using the best quality yarn I can afford. I believe using amazing yarn can turn even the simplest scarf into a masterpiece.

  164. I elevate my art by making what touches my fancy and challenges my skills. Then, if it doesn't suit me I give it to a friend. Than she is surprised and delighted and thinks I am AMAZING. Everyone wins.

  165. I elevate my art by sharing my skills with anyone that wants to learn, by knitting for my friends that appreciate my time, and by using the best yarn that I can afford. I also try to keep challenging myself to learn new skills

  166. My friends in my knitting group help me to elevate my art by sharing their skills and love.

  167. I elevate my art by never saying "I can't." Anything is possible!

  168. There are so many aspects as to how I elevate my art(s): by doing all things in moderation, by learning new techniques and skills, by doing the simplest of projects, by tackling a challenging project but most of all, by being present in each moment.

  169. I discovered a few years ago what a difference it makes to knit with really high quality yarns when I have a project that I really want to look fantastic and last. That's how I elevate my art!

  170. I like to think about using different textures and surfaces (shiny, matte etc) and explore different drape capabilities of different fiber types. Knitting in an artful way is completely exciting to me!

  171. Beauty! what a lovely kit, I elevate my art by consistently trying to see the world through the eyes of my children. They see magic and possibility everywhere and that kind of boundless wonderment is the perfect fuel for creativity!

  172. I elevate my art by perfecting my finishing techniques. I think that really highlights the difference between handmade and homemade.

  173. Thank you for this giveaway! Those kits are amazing! I elevate my knitting by using the best yarns I can afford and challenging myself with new techniques and different projects.

  174. i elevate my art by using the best materials i can afford and by dedicating each work to someone i love. most of what i knit goes to someone i care about, with the intention to give them pleasure and a jolt of love.

  175. I'm new to knitting/crocheting, so I elevate my art by trying new things constantly. I teach myself a new stitch often and use "challenging" yarns to improve my skill. :)

  176. I am getting ready to do a shawl for an entry in next year's state fair - I think this would be an amazing opportunity to combine beautiful shawl patterns with some to die for yarn that I wouldn't ordinarily be able to use. For me, I elevate my knitting by constantly challenging myself and not being afraid to try new things/stitches, and have fun frogging and redoing!

  177. I have been working on my Bird's Nest Shawl on and off and recently have been trying to really get more of it done - a project like that definitely elevates your art! These artyarn kids are really beautiful though. I wish I could work less and knit more :)

  178. I elevate my art by constantly learning something new....when knitting a new pattern I always try to see how I can make it to include my style or my touch. While doing this I always learn something new and sometimes it really just exercises my frogging ability!!

  179. How absolutely exquisite! I elevate my knitting by keeping up to date with information from internet sites such as Jimmy Beans Wool and Ravelry. Visiting these sites give me inspiration! I am able to learn about all the beautiful yarn that's available and see the work of the many talented knitters. We have very few yarn shops in Hawaii so this is very important to me. I have seen many beautiful yarns and projects from Artyarns and I dream of creating something from their yarn someday. Ahhh, to dream!

  180. I elevate my art by sharing my talents with the younger generations who are willing to learn the needle arts.

  181. I am lucky to live in Reno and I can stop by Jimmy Beans Wool any time to pick a lovely yarn to knit my next project. Every yarn I get there elevates my knitting to a wonderful zen experience.

  182. These kits look beautiful!! I elevate my art by constantly challenging myself to try things I don't think I'll be able to do (whether it's knitting or something else).

  183. I like to elevate my art by using new yarns I haven't worked with before and by learning new knitting techniques to create fabulous works of wearable art!

  184. I elevate my art by always challenging myself with new and complex stitches and by not being afraid to rip and start again. I tame my yarn, my yarn does not tame me. :)

  185. I have just created my own pattern using Artyarn's Mohair Splash. That is how I have elevated my art!

  186. i try and "step up" with every few projects; my latest elevation was using US2 st st DPNs, laceweight weaving wools, and medieval color charts to do a small colorworked drawstring bag. i'm also trying my first sweater.
    i also bought some alpaca/silk blend, to make myself my first large shawl.......i love natural fibers.

  187. I elevate my art and love for knitting by attempting new and exciting things. i believe the more I try new things the more skills I learn the better i will become. Artyarns are beautiful and are the next thing i want to try!!

  188. One of the things I love about knitting is how there is always some new object or technique or something out there I haven't tried. I elevate my art by not being to afraid of something I haven't tried and looking for new techniques to learn each time I start.

  189. I elevate my art by sharing (techniques, lessons, stash yarn) with friends, and always sharing specifics to the "what are you making?" questions I get. I love playing with new techniques, new yarns, new textures, and new styles- I'm a new-stuff junkie! Artyarns definitely intrigues me, having never used it before, so I look forward to trying it out!

  190. I use simple patterns and then use a beautiful yarn to elevate my art.

  191. I elevate my art by being around positive people who look at the world as if it was always brand new full of possibilities.

  192. I love Artyarns....the pictures make me drool with envy. I particularly love the Minerals colorway for the shawl. But, then again, how does one choose?

  193. Love Artyarn! Elevates any pattern to a work of art!

  194. I let the yarn inspire me and elevate my art to higher levels. Just looking at stunning colorways invokes creativity!

  195. I elevate my art by following people who inspire me, working hard on technique, and daring to be different. Trying new things keeps you young. Using beautiful materials keeps you happy!

  196. I keep my eyes wide open on World.
    I am looking in deep myself for insiration.
    I try to use the more adequate/the best yarn to highline my idea.

  197. I elevate my art by trying new patterns and pushing myself beyond what I already know about crocheting.

  198. I elevate my art by making a point of playing with yarn everyday - not just working with it :)

