Notes from the Road-- STITCHES East!

Hand knits on the move!

Whew! It's been a whirlwind week here at JBW. I am writing to you from my hotel room in Hartford, CT where Jeanne, Sandy, Rachel, and I are representing Jimmy Beans Wool and Stitch Red. So far, we are having a total blast!

We left Reno at 5:40am on Wednesday morning. First, we were to fly to San Francisco where we would catch a connection to Newark, NJ and then on to Hartford. Unfortunately, our flights were scheduled so closely together that we missed our flight in San Fran! :( Not the most awesome start to the day, but we made the best of it. Being knitters, we found ourselves with plenty to do while we waited in the airport for the next flight out. (We each brought at least two projects for the trip. I think I had the most options with 4 projects! Am I crazy? Yes!)
The "Jo's"

Once we were finally on a plane to Chicago, Jeanne and Sandy were super happy all cozy in their seats! They chit chatted away--the two "Jo's" as they like to call themselves (a reference to the Outlander series, apparently it means that they are friends). Those two are like little peas in a pod. :)

In Chicago, with 5 hours to kill until our next flight, we went off in search of some food. Our first real meal all day! Boy were we hungry! Chicago has some legendary food options and the airport was no exception.  We grabbed some italian beef sammies at the amazing Billy Goat Tavern and settled in preparing for awesomeness. In fact, we were so hungry that we didn't even take the time to document how awesome food was. We just scarfed it in a quite unladylike fashion. (Maybe it's good we didn't take photos.)

Rachel's "Carson" Shawl

The rest of our time was spent knitting and hanging out and being silly. I showed the gals the awesome light tunnel at O'Hare International. None of them had seen it before so it was a must see! Rachel finished up her gorgeous Carson Shawl by Romi Hill in Shibui Sock while we waited. Didn't it turn out lovely?!?
Sandy and the Kollage crew!

Finally, exhausted, we made it to Hartford and STITCHES East! Our Stitch Red and Jimmy Beans Wool booths look great and we are having a blast! We even met up with the Kollage team and they hand delivered our beautiful new red square needles. Here they are with Sandy showing them off.

Denise2Go- Stitch Red edition!
Also, we have some adorable limited edition Denise2Go needles just for STITCHES East and Stitch Red! We chose a fun red print fabric by Denyse Schmidt and there are only 46 sets of these special needles. Each of which are labeled and numbered. What a neat STITCHES souvenir. They are so cute, I may have to get one myself!

I'll post a final recap on Monday. If you are anywhere near Hartford, CT this weekend, be sure to stop by and say hello!

Happy knitting,

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