Touch Me Winner!!

Alright- we will keep it short and sweet! Thank you to the almost 100 people who left comments about how wonderful Touch Me is! 
Thanks to, our winner is Jen, who left this comment:

Jen said...

I have not tried Touch Me yarn but would love the chance to try it!!
September 21, 2011 10:16 AM

Jen- Please email your full name, address, phone number and colorway preference to within 48 hours. If we do not hear from you we will pick another winner. 

Thanks again to everyone for entering and to Kirstin at Muench for sharing her wonderful story. :)


P.S. You won't want to miss our next couple of Newsletters, as we have some really exciting top secret stuff that should be revealed there soon! Our Newsletters come out twice monthly, are free, secure and just down right fun!

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Muench Touch Me


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