Introducing "Knit Red"...and a Giveaway!

Whew! It’s been a whirlwind few weeks for us here at Jimmy Beans, primarily due to one very exciting new development- the release of our book Knit Red! For those of you who are not yet familiar with the book, I hope you’ll read on to learn more about it!

Knit Red has been a long time in the making. Back in 2007, I was meeting with my friend Marta McGinnis who also happened to be one of our yarn reps. She had recently suffered a heart attack and had been diagnosed with heart disease. It was a total shock to me that someone so young (she was just barely in her fifties) and so seemingly healthy could already have heart disease! Also earlier that year, my husband Doug, who is extremely active and healthy and also young (in his mid-thirties) had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Marta and I were so amazed to learn that heart disease can affect a wide range of people, not just older men. At that moment, we began to brainstorm ideas to create an awareness campaign in hopes of educating more people about this deadly disease. Sadly, Marta passed away just six months later and for a variety of reasons, our ideas were put on hold for a few years.
Kieran Foley
Ysolda Teague

In 2010, the timing for something like this just seemed right so I began working again on what has now become the “Stitch Red” campaign. At TNNA in January of 2011, we pitched the idea to our friends in the industry many of whom are vendors and designers. Almost everyone we talked to jumped at the chance to participate whether it be through creating a Stitch Red product to sell or designing something for the Knit Red book. We heard so many personal stories and ties to heart disease from these friends and vendors that we knew that Stitch Red could really work. SoHo publishing (they publish Vogue Knitting) immediately agreed to help us publish Knit Red. We were so thrilled to see so much support for something that is so near and dear to our hearts- literally!
Diane Soucy

Next we set out to find a partner in all of this. We loved the Heart Truth campaign (known for their little red dress logo seen on Diet Coke cans) and what they stood for and knew that they would make a natural fit for a partnership in the campaign. The Heart Truth itself is a national awareness campaign that focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle and gives tips to help prevent heart disease. Most importantly, they focus heavily on women and the importance of knowing the individual symptoms which are often very different than in men.

Jeanne Giles
All of the vendors that are participating in Stitch Red are donating at least 5% of the gross profits from that product to the Heart Truth. Jimmy Beans Wool is donating 5% of the gross profits from the Knit Red book as well. Ultimately, we want the entire needle arts industry to get involved including local yarn shops, crocheters, sewers and quilters, and many more. We are already working on a 2nd book that will come out early next year called “Sew Red” which will focus on designs for sewers and quilters.

Norah Gaughan
Knit Red itself features 30 designs knit in red yarns from industry knitwear designers (including two of them who work here at Jimmy Beans- Jeanne and Kristen) and includes items that range from sweaters to accessories to home items. I just love all of the designs in this book. To me it represents the amazing power that we have as knitters to create something meaningful and share that with the world. You can view all of the designs on Ravelry to see what I mean. They are just stunning. I can’t say enough about them. Many of the designs use yarns that are Stitch Red products so when you knit the garment, you can support Stitch Red even more!

Kristen Ashbaugh-
 I’d really like to thank all of the vendors and designers who have helped make Stitch Red and Knit Red happen. It really couldn’t have without the enormous amount of support we received from this industry. Also, this entire campaign could not have happened without Marta. Her support of this campaign meant a lot to me, and I miss her everyday. Lastly, I’d like to thank all of you, all of our wonderful customers, for supporting the Stitch Red campaign. It means a lot to us that you continue to encourage and support what we do!

Daniela Johannsenova
With that I’d like to give away a signed copy of Knit Red. Please leave us a comment on this blog post telling us your reason for supporting Stitch Red or what your favorite design from the book is. Even if you’ve already bought a copy, feel free to enter and win one to give to a friend or family member. We’ll randomly select a winner and announce it in the blog post on Friday, June 8th. Please leave your comment by Thursday, 6/7 at 11pm PST.

Thanks so much to all of you again for your support and of course, happy knitting!

Laura (aka. Jimmy)  

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the heart truth


  1. I love Kristen's red-heart-lace bag - adorable!

  2. I had a heart attack seven years ago and if I hadn't known that women have different symptoms I wouldn't have gone to the doctor. I only had pain in my RIGHT wrist and a feeling of doom. When I saw this campaign I knew I wanted to support it!

  3. What a worthwhile project!

    The pattern book looks great. I would probably knit the Greenmarket tote first.

  4. I love Diane Soucy's cardigan!!

  5. I ordered my Knit Red book last night, and it's on its way to me tonight! I'm really eager to look inside it for new projects! My order includes two skeins of Lorna's Laces June Limited Edition color; love her color ways! I'll be ready to cast on (dare I say it?) in a heartbeat! My husband (19th anniversary today!) has coronary artery disease. The heart is the motor of the body; if it doesn't work well, nothing else will work. Keep the motor working!

  6. I do like that beret...and I like supporting a worthwhile campaign, too.

  7. The Diane Soucy cardigan is beautiful!

  8. I'm waiting for my Stitch Red Lorna's Laces yarn to arrive. I bought it because the color is beautiful as is the cause it brings attention to. I'm supporting Stitch Red because when I had chemo for breast cancer - the chemo port was inserted close to my heart. When the drugs entered my heart (according to a cardiologist) they had left scar tissue on my heart damaging some heart muscle. My ekgs show up as though I'd had a heart attack (irregular Q waves they said) so I have to take care of my heart with the damage done which helped heal me from cancer.

  9. I want this book to help support the number one killer of women! I can see myself seeing red for a lot of projects in the future.

  10. Heart Disease runs on both sides of my family, I've lost too many at an early age. I'll be placing an order for a book and yarn to remember those that I've lost and a reminder to myself and the rest of the family to take care!!

  11. I love the variety of patterns in the book and look forward to knitting many of them. I can't think of a better way to support Women's Heart Health.

  12. Love this idea! My farther passed away due to cardiovascular disease so the cause is dear to my heart (no pun intended). Also love red accessories and clothing!

  13. Being an avid knitter and a heart attack survivor I applaud anyone who helps to spread the word about heart disease and at the same time help to fight the disease. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing and publishing such a great knitting book!

  14. I love this cause and of course knitting these projects. What a great incentive!

  15. The shawl is beautiful! I just heard about Stitch Red today. It's a fabulous idea.

  16. Heart disease runs in my family. Both of my grandfathers and my father died after a heart attack. So far, no women in the family have a history of the disease ... but I love my healthy heart - and Knit Red reminds me (and all women) that we need to take care of our hearts!

  17. Looking forward to checking out this book. My grandfather has survived a heart attack, so heart disease is something I'm concerned about!

  18. This is such an important campaign. Thank you for getting the word out to women that are signs are different

  19. Hats off to you and your great initiative LAURA ZANDER. Thanks for your latest and greatest creative effort.

  20. Fantastic job!!! Thank you to all those involved in the publication of Knit Red. Great stories and recipes with exceptionally beautiful knit patterns!

  21. I love this idea and hats off to all of you in creating such a wonderful book. My 25 yr old daughter has SVT and sinus tachycardia. Two weeks ago she was in the Critical Care Coronary Unit in our local hospital . Very scary time. She is currently on a waiting list for treatment. She is a very sick kid-between the heart problems and the medications.Heart disease can and does affect every age group.We all need to be more aware.

  22. Great job spreading the word, Laura. We need to keep reminding each other not to minimize our symptoms but instead get them checked out.

  23. I like the variety of patterns to support heart attacks in women, as the signs in women is different than for men.

  24. I hope to knit the shawl by Kiernan Foley. It would make a lovely gift for my sister-in-law who suffers from a mass in her heart. Thank you for working so hard on Stitch Red and for bringing heart disease into the main stream again.

  25. I really like Kieran Foley's shawl. I am also very impressed by the work you are doing in this very important issue.

  26. What a great contribution to a wonderful cause! I've just learned that I have high blood pressure, and am working on lowering it. Of course, knitting is already part of my relaxation program! Thanks for a chance to win your exciting new book.

  27. I like Angel Face Beret. I workout and am working on eating better.


  28. I love Ysolda's beret, and I'm so glad more awareness is being brought to this issue!

  29. You have totally inspired me to get off the couch and help me get healthy again!
    I love the red hearts cardi which I would make for mt daughter who is a doctor! :)

  30. Best idea ever! Both sides of my family suffer from
    heart health issues. What a great way to be reminded
    to exercise befor knitting.

  31. Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. I enjoyed reading the stories written by each designer and the patterns are beautiful.I am a bit bias since I really love Jeanne's and Kristen's designs. I can't decide on which one to knit first!

  32. I have an uncle who had a heart attack in his 30's, he's about as fit as you can be but it just shows that heart disease can affect anyone.

  33. his book looks awesome, not mentioning that it helps an important cause. 2 patterns are my favorite: the Cabled Cardi by Norah Gaughan and the Cowl Neck Vest by Cecily Glowik MacDonald, but frankly many other look fabulous as well!

  34. Because the insurance companies only look at statistics when making decisions, not individuals and still don't seem to realize enough young women get breast cancer that screening should be done and covered earlier for all. At my hospital, there are enough men with breast cancer that they have their own private waiting room so they won't be embarrassed. My favorite is Jeanne's because her little set can be done fast and multiples made quickly as little gifts.

  35. This is an inspiration to lead a healthier life. Thank you.

    My favourite pattern is Heart Motif Mitts by Debbie Stoller.

  36. I love Kristin red lace hearts bag. It is so cute! Debbie gussek on Ravelry

  37. such a fantastic cause especially since heart disease runs in my far as my favorite pattern im smitten with the A-Line Hoodie :)

  38. It is fantastic that you are educating the public about heart disease. You could save lives without ever knowing it! Thanks for spreading awareness.

    One of my favorite patterns is Cabled Cardi by Norah Gaughan. There are many patterns in the book that I would love to try.

  39. My mother recently (February) had an aortic aneurysm dissection. She was very fortunate to catch it as it was ripping. She is going through cardiac rehab right now.
    My sister has a little girl (she will be one this month) who was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and has had 4 surgeries in her young life.
    I have a vascular issue with DVT.
    The men in my family have had heart issues too. It is important to know about the differences between men and women and what there is out there to be aware of .

  40. Looking forward to the kit that I ordered today. Have been slowing down on knitting for the past week or 2 and this will get me energized. My sister had a quadruple bypass several years ago completely out of the blue. So I try to keep myself aware of the possibilites of it happening in my own life. I am not indestrubtable as I have always thought. Will get out and walk today (along with knitting).

  41. A great idea with lots of great projects.

  42. At first I wanted to say that I LOVE Kristen's bag - and I do, but I like Norah's hat, and....... well just the whole book! I think I might have to make one of everything!

  43. A great book created by terrific designers for a truly wonderful cause. I would want to knit the lace infinity scarf first then work my way through the book.

  44. Heart health is SO IMPORTANT! I am so thrilled w/what "Stitch Red" represents. Congrats! There are so many patterns that I simply MUST make (=

  45. I absolutely love the red shawl on page 2. There are quite a few patterns in here that are nice.


  46. Great support to such a wonderful cause! Thanks for the post!

  47. My dad had a triple bypass about 15 years ago after suffering a heart attack in church. Unfortunately, that led to vascular dementia and he didn't survive a hip surgery right before Thanksgiving 2011. But we had 15 wonderful years between and for that I am thankful. So many beautiful patterns in the book, I'm sorry I missed the book signing last night! I am partial to the Red Roses Shrug.

  48. cynthia.landers@ocps.netJune 7, 2012 at 5:23 AM

    It's such a good cause. My doc just put me on two blood pressure meds right now so my awareness ramped up exponentially in the past week. Thanks for bringing this great cause into the spotlight!!!

  49. I can definitely see me knitting Diane Soucy's design. Thanks for a wonderful collection of patterns.

  50. I love all that Stitch Red stands for. Bravo JBW!

  51. I would love to knitting Diane Soucy's cardigan. Knit Red is a great way to bring awareness to a larger audience. Thanks for your work!

  52. Heart disease run in the family so I support this project for those who I have lost to the disease - all the patterns look great!

  53. I like to support crafters and heart diseases because of my little one who has two heart conditions. And if I can support both in one project that is even better. I am a newly knitter and I like to try new things espacially the Daniela project! Keep up your awesome work and I am looking forward to more great projects like this.

  54. As a late mother (almost 41 when I had my son!). And someone with heart disease in my family, I support Stitch Red for selfish reasons - living long enough to see my son grow up. All that aside, the Kieran Foley Stitch Red Stole is just breathtaking.

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