Downton Abbey Mystery KAL - Week #6

Hi everyone and welcome to week 6 of the Downton Abbey Mystery KAL! Tonight we return to our regularly scheduled clues. That means that these clues are not in order so please watch carefully to make sure you do these prompts in order. I've made the clues pretty easy to spot in the show so even though they may seem vague now, I promise you they are not. 

Also, just a hint, if you are pretty adept at pattern reading, you can probably figure out the order they go in. Just a hint. If you do figure it out early, please keep it a secret for those who want to play the game.

A note to Beginners and/or those who are running short of yarn: The beginner border clues are set up so that you can bind off when you need to after finishing a row 2. Even though the border repeat is technically a 4-row repeat, you can easily decide at at any time that you are finished. If you are running short on yarn, you may opt to do this option to give yourself more control over the yarn usage. Also, this option is best for those who do not have 78 sts between markers, but do have an even number.

A note to Intermediates: You must have 78 (or in some cases 65) sts between markers. The stitch repeat is 13 sts so you will have either 6 (or 5) repeats of the pattern between markers. This is also a 6-row repeat, so tonight you will be doing 1 whole repeat of the border. In order to finish out the entire border as intended (this includes next week's knitting as well) you'll need approximately 140 yds of yarn. If you are running short, see the note for the beginner option above.

If anyone has questions about what option they should do for the border, please shoot me a Ravelry message letting me know your status and I am happy to give advice.

So now onto the clues. Remember, these are not in order (as this IS supposed to be a bit of a mystery after all!) so be sure to watch as you go or wait for tomorrow's episode guide for clarity!

Prompt #1 -When Mary saves her bacon, do the following:


Row 1: K4, *k2tog, yo; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 2: K4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

*Knit these 2 rows just one time each.


Row 1: K4, *k2tog, k7, ssk; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4. (You should have 6 repeats between markers.)

Row 2: K4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

*Knit these 2 rows just one time each.

Prompt #2 - When Edith makes a big decision, do the following:


Row 1: K4, *yo, k2tog; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 2: K4, p to last 4 sts, K4.

*Knit these 2 rows just one time each.


Row 1: K4, *k2tog, yo, (k1, yo) 5 times, ssk; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4. (You should have 6 repeats between markers. 

Row 2: knit

*Knit these 2 rows just one time each.

Prompt #3 - When Thomas sets out on an adventure, do the following:


Row 1: K4, *yo, k2tog; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 2: K4, p to last 4 sts, K4.

*Knit these 2 rows just one time each.


Row 1: K4, *k2tog, k9, ssk; repeat from * to last 4 sts, K4. (You should have 6 repeats between each marker.)

Row 2: k4, p to last 4 sts, k4.

*Knit these two rows just one time each. 

Ok folks, that is it for Week 6! Be sure to check in on Ravelry if you have any questions. I'll be there to help. Also, if you need it, be sure to check out tomorrow's episode guide for all the clues in order and clarified with stitch counts.

In the meantime, happy knitting!

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  1. Yay been waiting for this week

  2. Do we continue to do the increases on the odd numbered rows?

  3. Hi sheilagiereyoung-

    No, there are no more increases in the pattern on a regular basis. Just knit it as written and you'll be fine.

    I hope this helps!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I just so happened to come onto your piece when surfing the internet for some information.

  6. For the rows with odd numbers, should we keep increasing? The game's realistic physics engine claims to provide gamers with lifelike simulation experiences.

  7. Exciting times for the Downton Abbey Mystery KAL in week 6! As you tackle those clues, remember that it's like running a pizza shop in Papa's Pizzeria —stay organized and manage your resources wisely! For beginners, don’t hesitate to bind off early if you're low on yarn. Intermediates, ensure you have the right stitch count for a smooth finish. Enjoy the mystery, and keep those clues secret!

  8. Pac-Man is an arcade game where you control a yellow character to eat dots while avoiding colorful ghosts in a maze.

