What!? A Whole Month Dedicated to Crafters?

That's right - March is officially National Craft Month - HOW did we not know this!?

Here's all you need to know about this crafty month-long holiday of sorts:

Back in 1994, the Craft & Hobby Association dreamt up National Craft Month to help spread the word about the benefits of crafting for your mental health and wellbeing.

One of our favorite things about crafting (other than the incredible things we're capable of making) is the fact that it's incredible for your mental health!

It's good to be able to distance yourself from the stress of your day-to-day life and take some time for yourself. Clearing your mind is easy when you get in a headspace where you can just breathe to your stitch rhythm or paint strokes.

Sometimes it can be easier said than done as we're all a little too hard on ourselves from time to time, comparing our work to others by putting ourselves down and saying invalidating things like, "Mine should look like theirs, why am I not good at this?" Well, we want to tell you that it's okay your project doesn't look like someone else's! All creative things are a journey, and no matter what you have perceived to have done wrong, you're still learning and growing from it, and that's pretty dang great! 

For us, knitting and crocheting are our bread and butter - being able to create things seamingly (hehe) out of thin air is always such a marvel to behold! Plus, the added benefit of puffing our chests out and proudly proclaiming, "yeah, I MADE that" is a pretty awesome feeling. The repetitive stitch techniques remind us to breathe and relax as we get into the groove of a lengthy line of chain stitches or stockinette. The brain food that is our patterns helps us with memory as well! Being able to read, comprehend, and execute our stitch techniques helps prevent memory loss, keeping your brain as sharp as your needles - which is always a plus in our books (though, despite this, we will still forget where we put that dang stitch marker)! 

But Jimmy, you may ask, how do I celebrate this month? Chances are - you already are!

All you gotta do to celebrate is craft anything you want (this could be knitting, crocheting, macramé, painting, the world is your oyster) during March.

You can also take it an extra step and post about it online, sharing your incredible creations or works in progress - there's no real right or wrong way to celebrate - just do what feels right to you! 

Don't know where to start? We've got plenty of crochet kits and knit kits at our disposal using patterns from the hottest designers to bring some peace to your mind and your project bags! 

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