Finished Socks, OCD, Healing Leg, and More...

Oiu! These have likely been the busiest 2 weeks of my life. Ok, at least of the summer... or maybe just the busiest in July, but either way, i'm exhausted. Good thing the exhaustion set in after i finished my Misti Alpaca Socks. I know, i know... i can't believe it either - i finished 2 socks in less than a month - AND they match AND they fit! Wonders never cease, eh?? (Please forgive me for being so proud of myself).

So, what's next, you ask? (Ha ha - as if you all just sit around and wonder what i'm knitting on... ). Well, since you asked... :) We got a shipment of discontinued Handspun Cashmere 2 weeks ago - and i'm just dying to knit with it (it's 1/2 off and here's the video review!). When else will i allow myself to spend $$ on enough 100% cashmere to make a sweater? Probably never. I'm thinking of just grabbing 10-15 balls right now and putting them in my stash, except that 'stashes' really stress me out. There's something about my personality (control freak?) that doesn't like it when i have yarn sitting around with no definitive purpose. Along the same lines, i've been begging doug to get my a label maker for my birthday, but he's TERRIFIED that i will start labelling everything in the house. Um, his fear is not irrational - i can already see all of the cupboards with labels like "small glasses", "tall glasses", "margarita glasses," etc. Oh boy. Anyway.... i'm not sure if i'll garner the guts to take home a few bags, but i'll definitely keep you posted.... For now, i'll just keep plugging along on the Soft Linen Hoodie.

In happier news, my leg has healed 2/3rds of the way! It's possible that my doctor's visit yesterday will be my last one... we took the final packing out on Saturday (after 21 days!) and are trying to let it heal. the hole is still an inch deep, but the doc finally confesed to me yesterday that it had gotten to 3 inches deep! That is insane (and pretty daggone gross). And... the best news is... she cleared me for running again. So - after i finish sharing my thoughts, i'm taking the guys (buddy and wiley) out for a run behind the house. Yay! Hopefully it will be healed enough in the next 7-10 days that i can start getting in the hot tub again. We're not taking any chances with infection again, though - and are keeping it as clean as possible. We're thinking about taking a vacation to mexico in september (anyone been to playa del carmen?), so i want to make sure i can actually swim in the ocean.... and heaven knows we need a vacation (actually, i think the girls at the store want us to take a vacation more than anyone... hmm... i wonder if they're planning on having some sort of party while i'm away?? i'll have to watch them closely :)).

Oh yeah - we have 130 videos up now! Here's one with our new Alpaca friend, Morris... off to go for a run (i'm supposed to be taking today off...)

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morris the alpaca


  1. Hey LZ!! Did you just knit that KPS pattern longer up the leg? They look great! I bought that...thanks to your blogging rave...and haven't decided on a sock pattern yet.

    I knew your leg sounded infected...glad it is healing!

  2. Glad to hear that the leg is healing - slowly but surely. Keep those bugs out!! And congrats on finishing a pair of socks!! The yarn is gorgeous and must feel wonderful.

  3. Hallo! Dir maacht eng wierklech super Aarbecht! :)

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