Yarn out of Cheese?

LOL! Eileen, I laughed outloud at your WI cheese comment. It cracked me up, because i had thought the very same thing... rowan has a new yarn made from milk protein, so i'm sure cheese yarn isn't too far away!

And i love the idea of the firefly with the spring forward... that is going to be just perfect! The shades are slightly off, but i think the difference is going to end up making it look even better. I'm almost done with my socks (i'm thinking i'll give them to doug's mom maybe), but my darned camera has died on me, so i can't take pictures right now. i'll take some as soon as i get a new one - hopefully soon.

And i have to apologize for being so uncommunicative lately... August was one of the busiest months we've ever had - and i've been spending very few hours at my blogging (and otherwise productive) desk ... (Photo to the left - my dad bought the wall hanging for me years ago - and i love it!). In the shop almost every day - or so it feels - i'm barely able to accomplish the most basic tasks before i leave in the morning. But that's going to change soon, i can just feel it!

Got a Brown Sheep delivery at our house just a few minutes ago... we got the lamb's pride worsted & bulky, cotton fleece, and the wildfoote sock yarn. We carried these yarns many years ago, but are just now bringing them back into the lineup. Though i didn't used to be a huge fan, i'm now fawning over in the Oatmeal worsted i have sitting here ... i'm thinking that it might make a nice, rustic sweater - one with cables and lots of character. There's something about the heathered-ness (is that a word?) that appeals to me right now. Maybe it's the depth.

Anyway, doug and i will take all of the photos this weekend and Rachel will get them on the website by the end of the week.... of course, while Rachel is loading the photos, doug and i will be resting up on a beach in mexico. Sigh - we need a vacation and are truly looking forward to it. Plus, we'll be there for our 8th anniversary. I can't believe that much time has flown by. Wow.

So, why did we get the brown sheep delivered to our house? Because we have NO ROOM at the shop. It's unbelievable! Our poor little shop is busting at the seams - and it's making us all crazy. I think we're going to have to pick up a bit more space for the winter, though, cause we can barely walk through the aisles (as it is, you have to walk single file - forget trying to double up).

So... since my camera is not working, i thought i'd put up a pic that my grandpa from Pennsylvania sent me. He's going to be 91 this december and is flying out here to visit us at the end of September. (yes, he constantly amazes me.) A huge baseball fan, he took this photo of a friendly knitter at the City Island ballpark in Harrisburg (near where he lives). The teams playing were the Harrisburg Senators, and the Bowie, Maryland BaySox. (the Senators lost).

Gramps told me that the "subject's" name is Mae, she is wearing her lucky Phillies jersey, and her instant message id is "The Nutty Knitter." How cute! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful grandfather... and lucky to have such a terrific team that doug and i can escape for a weeklong vacation. Life is good. :)

(now, i need to get back to those socks so i can start another pair. I must say, after finishing that 1 pair of Misti Socks, i'm addicted. I had no idea that i could really finish 2 socks in the same year. Doug mentioned that he'd like a pair, but i'm not sure what yarn to use. I've been dying to use the new Supersock Select, but can't decide between the Nesting Blue and the Go Green...don't worry - he never reads this blog :))

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  1. Have fun on your trip! You deserve a break. Eight years! That is a LONG time. Congrats.

  2. Whether you want to explore unique crafting materials, Geoguessr create whimsical food art, or simply enjoy a good laugh, there’s plenty of room for imagination with this phrase!

