Learning new things...

I hope that you have had some great family time in the last week, as I certainly have!! I ended up with 4 days in a row off and with the last months craziness around here it was GREAT!! I slept in everyday and had a hard time getting up this morning. I guess I was getting used to it...ahhh sleep, glorious sleep!

Well now it's time to get back in the swing of things around here and boy am I ready to move forward!! There is so much I want learn this coming year, but I really want to concentrate on my sewing/quilting.

I am having a hard time focusing on one project at a time and have discovered that unlike knitting, sewing requires a bit more focus and a neat sewing area.

I am really happy with this fins and my hand sewing

I knit Huck the Dead Fish Hat by Thelma Egberts for his gift. I used fabric for the tail and fins and learned so much doing it! I want to be able to ultimately combine my 2 skills into one finished garment, but still have some learning to get there. I look at every project as a chance to learn and grow and while the hat isn't perfect, I made it filled with love and that's what counts right?

I am happy overall and would love to make this again!

I would make a bigger dorsal fin if I did this again, but am really happy with the movement that the fabric lends to the tail! It really swishes along...even though it's a dead fish :D ha ha!!

I definitely need practice sewing the tail to the hat and used my machine for this one, but if I do this again I am going to hand sew it, as I wasn't thrilled with the outcome.

I did consider making some sort of binding to cover the sewing, but decided that it is better as is for this project.

If you are curious as the colors and yarn I used it was Lorna's Laces Greenline Worsted (discontinued) in Tahoe and Zombie BBQ, although you could easily use Lorna's Shepherd Worsted in the same colors now which I've linked to for you above. I carried the yarns up the inside of the hat, as I am not big on weaving in the ends and will always take the easy way out. I just changed colors in a random fashion and loved the pattern, as it was super well written and easy to follow.

For now that's it, as I am off to cut some fabric orders for all of you!!

As always happy knitting, crocheting and sewing!!


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zombie bbq


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