How to Knit Two at a Time on Two Circulars

How to knit Lady Violet's Dinner Gauntlets 2-at-a-time on two circular needles:

I'm having so much fun doing this knit along! I decided to knit my project 2-at-a-time on two circulars for two reasons. The first reason is that knitting with two circulars is one of my favorite ways to knit small items in the round and the second is that I'm so busy I just know I would finish the first gauntlet and with the best of intentions, put off knitting the second one and never get back to it.

If you've never knit on two circulars or magic loop before I suggest sticking to one at a time for the first time as it takes a little practice getting the rhythm and coordination of moving your project around the needles.

These instructions will give you the general flow of how to knit two of any small circular project, not just this pattern. You can work socks, mitts, gauntlets, gloves or sleeves.

To knit two at a time you will need the following:

  • Two balls of yarn. If you're experienced with doing so and don't mind untwisting you threads, it is possible to knit from each end of the same ball.
  • Two circular needles in the same size. I highly recommend using two different lengths. First, the 16” needle tips are shorter than the 24” tips which helps you keep track of which tips you're working on, and secondly, two different lengths will not cause you to have duplicate needles.
  • Point protectors
  • 3 stitch markers

Do your crochet provisional cast on onto your 24” needle tip then slip 25 stitches purlwise onto your 16” needle and slid the stitches toward the other tip.

Do your second provisional cast on onto the same tip of your 24” needles as you did the first one and then slid 25 of those stitches purlwise onto the same end of your 16” needle as you did the first time. Slide all the stitches down close to the first set of stitches.

Your setup will look like this

You'll see that your needles are parallel, turn them so that the open end of the cast on is to the right with the 16” needle in front and the 24” needle is in the back. Slide all the stitches of the first cast on onto the needle tips. Straighten the stitches so they aren't twisted. Now pick up the other tip of the 16” needle and with your first ball of yarn begin to knit across the first 25 stitches (you will find it helpful to pull the 24” needle to the right so that the stitches rest on the cable.)

When you've completed the first 25 stitches, slide them down toward the cable and move the second gauntlet up to the tip of the 16” needle. Join second ball of yarn and knit across these 25 stitches.

When you reach the end turn you work just as if you would turn a straight needle, so that the two sets of 25 stitches you've just knit are on the back needle (the 16” needle) and the yarn you were just working with is on the right.

Slide the second half of the second gauntlet onto the 24” tip and with the same yarn you were just working with and the other end of the 24” needle work across the remaining 27 stitches of the second gauntlet. When you reach the end, slide it down the tip onto the cable and move the first gauntlet up onto the needle tip. Switch back to the first ball of yarn and work across the 27 stitches of the first gauntlet.

You're now ready to join and begin knitting in the round. Turn your work so the 24” needle is again in the back and the 16” in front with the working yarn for the first gauntlet coming from the 24” needle. With the other tip of the 16” needle, begin to knit across the first 25 stitches again pulling the 24” needle to the right so the stitches rest on the cable. Be sure to snug up the first stitch so you don't have a long ladder and place a stitch marker on the ladder. This mark the beginning of the round. Whenever you return here you know you've completed a full round on both gauntlets.

When you reach the end to the first 25 stitches, slide them down the tip onto the cable and move the second set of 25 up to the other tip. Switch back to your second ball of yarn and knit across, again being sure to snug up the first couple of stitches.

When you've completed knitting these stitches, turn your work, pick up the other end of the 24” needle and using the same yarn knit across the 27 stitches of the second side of the second gauntlet.

Switch balls of yarn and knit across the 27 stitches of the second side of the first gauntlet.

You've now completed a full round of both gauntlets.

Continue the pattern as directed.

Work the instructions for Needle 2 on both sets of 25 stitches on the 16” needle.


Working on the 24” needle

Second side of Gauntlet 2:

  • Work Needle 1 instruction K2tog, yo, k2, yo, ssk, k8, place marker
  • Work Needle 3 instruction
Switch ball of yarn

Second side of Gauntlet 1:

  • Work Needle 3 instruction, place marker
  • Work Needle 1 instruction
The markers serve as dividers between the needle instructions.

For magic loop you can use this same basic rhythm although the technique for casting on 2 at a time is a bit different.

Happy Knitting!


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magic loop


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  126. Hill believes it’s important for leaders to have a system ensuring they’re connecting with everyone in their team, regardless of physical location. It might be as simple as reflecting at the end of the week on whom you’ve had ad hoc conversations with in recent days, and whom you haven’t. It may also be important to take an objective tally of which projects are going to which individuals.

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  127. “It’s really important for leaders to think about how we are interacting quite differently now,” says Hill. “If we just lead the way we’ve always done, and there are a few people on virtual meetings but they are kind of positioned in awkward places and we don’t really engage with them, it’s more of a token effort. Then we are thinking of that methodology through an old lens.”

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  128. What can leaders do to make sure out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind? Alison Hill, CEO of Australian leadership training organisation Pragmatic Thinking, and author of the new book Work from Anywhere, says the first step is to recognise that it’s an issue. Then, leaders can brainstorm ways to change their methodology for connecting with teams. This might mean running a meeting virtually for everyone, even if half of the participants are in the office, in order to create a level playing field where everyone feels included.

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  129. This could make proximity bias an even bigger issue than before. “I think it will become more pronounced when there will be, say, individuals coming into the office and they will start to create some kind of in group, like ‘we are the office people’,” says Shalfrooshan. “Then, there will be the other group which will be people who may be fully virtual, so the lines might become more fraught.”

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  160. The Markhor is one of the rare animals in the world. It’s so rare that there are only about 2,000 of them left today. They are found in Pakistan and India, specifically on the Karakoram Highway from Gilgit to Rawalpindi.

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