
Just a quick update - got an email today from CNN and they are planning to 'launch' our video on Friday!! I'll be in Austin over the weekend (my youngest brother is graduating from high school), but will try to remember to login and update the blog with the link. :)

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  1. If you have a chance, be sure and come to The Knitting Nest in Austin - Franklin Habit will be there shooting his 1000 Knitter Project! Look on for directions to the store - We'd love to have you!!!!

  2. I would love to!! I'm not sure what time the ceremony is, but i'll find out and try to come by the shop. Franklin is terrific - he shot some film at our Stitches Midwest booth last August. You're in for a treat!!
    p.s. i can't wait to see all of the Cascade 220 - it looks incredible :)
    p.p.s. thanks for the invite!

  3. I'll be letting all of my friends and family know - and I'll watch for updates on your blog. Congratulations!

    And thanks for choosing my hats for Kit of the Month!

  4. I watched your video on and I am amazed at just how well you do. I'm not shocked though because your customer service is amazing. I blog about my JB purchases every month and have you on my sidebar. I mostly buy your LL limited edition because I like the uniqueness of the colors from the actual colorways to the names. Good on you. BTW, I have no issues with your website. Just thought you'd like to know

