Snow, knitting and more snow...

We have had some more snow down here in our little valley nestled below the Sierra Nevada mountains. My son measured it Sunday morning and it topped off at 18 inches and the schools here were delayed 2 hours on Monday.

Of course it is always funny that Incline Village (lake tahoe) is never closed due to snow, so it just makes me think we are a bunch of sissies down here in the valley, ha ha! At any rate this was the nicest weekend here at my house and it included the snow, the Olympics, knitting and family! How much better can it get??

Sandy and I have started the Hydrangea socks from Janel Laidman's book The Eclectic Sole, but it took me a little bit to find the right yarn for this one. I finally settled on the new Hand Maiden Merino 2/6 yarn and WOW is what I have to say about this yarn! It is so beautiful and I chose the color Fleur for my sock, which is making me giddy as I work it up.

I have also finally gotten the pattern together for the Let's Cha Cha scarf that you have all been asking me for, sorry to have taken so long, blush, blush!

I made it a free pattern from 2 Askew Designs and hope you all enjoy it! We also filmed a how to video on the Cha Cha by Trendsetter in case you need a little bit of help.

Of course the count down for our final push to leave for Stitches West starts today, but I think we will have a great show with all the planning that has been put into it. We are getting excited to get moving and hope to see you all there! We will have new products, samples, kits, yarn, bags, and of course fun waiting for you!!

As always happy knitting and crocheting! Jeanne

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne - the Hydrangea Socks are so pretty - and I like that they have a shorter cuff. Shorter cuffs with pretty patterns look very feminine & I should probably knit some for myself. And your yarn color choice looks like hydrangea colors that are so pretty too. Can't wait to see what you all bring back from Stitches West...
