Well as Amerique said we had a special Beans only knit afternoon at the shop on Sunday and boy was it fun!!! Greg is now officially a knitter as is Jen his great girlfriend!
Shevawn is now knitting (a refresher course) a cowl out of the Lorna's Laces Swirl Chunky and she remembered her first knitting lesson and was off and running with very little coaching from yours truly.
It was fun to see how many different ways there are to teach the same technique, as I do my long tail cast on differently than Sandy and was able to help Greg with his stitches, but Sandy had to coach him on the cast on, as she had initially taught him and I was lost.
Then Terry said I wonder how many ways there are to cast on and I counted up 9, but I know that there are probably many more and it's just gets me excited knowing that there is so much to learn and one will never know all there is about knitting. I don't think I could ever get bored with this art knowing there is something new to learn around every stitch.
I don't know about you, but I love to learn something new and if you haven't checked out our instructional section of the site I hope you will. We have put together articles and videos to help you learn new things, so if you ever have something you want us to teach you just let us know and we will put it on the list.
It was fun getting to know some of our newest beans like Sharon who was crocheting like a fiend. The hook was on fire and clearly she is the one to go to for crochet questions. She is using Tahki Cotton Classic to crochet some coasters and they are going to be awesome!
Here is Amerique's cat bed that she mentio
All in all a good time was had by all and these little beans got to do what we love to do best, knit & crochet!
Happy knitting & crocheting to you all!!
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