Hi all, well I should be posting your hints on the contest, but alas, I have to leave for parts unknown to help my Step Dad, soooooooo, that will have to wait until next Friday, BUT we are getting a shipment of discontinued Rowan today (and I do mean shipment) that will be to dye for!! No pun intended, ha ha!
So be sure you keep your eyes peeled and if you haven't already seen our newest addition to the site then you will want to check our cute little puppy out!

Sara has been watching him while she works because he is so cute! When you see him just give him a little click with your cursor and voila you will be watching the best and hottest sales on the site. If you see something that you want to add to your cart please don't delay in checking out, because another wool watcher may beat you to the click.
Well sorry but I have to make this short, but rest assured I will be missing you all and if I can will check in to say hey!
As always happy knitting and crocheting! Jeanne
hey, what about the traveling sweater? I sense this is "bait and switch?" Wassup here?