Well here we are in the last of the traveling sweater posts, so pay attention! In my next post I am going to ask you a series of questions and the first of you to get them all right will win the sweater! How simple is that?
Have you been paying attention is what I want to know? Hee hee! I am such a stinker I know!
You can see what a stinker I really am here in my instructional video on Spit Splicing, ok, ok, maybe I didn't use my real spit, but I did talk about spit!!!
I am totally in love with this sweater and am hoping that none of you get my clues right, so I can hang onto it for a bit longer. However, I know how smart you all are and I am sure that you will be able to put it all together, so I will begin the long goodbye to the sweater which is knit f

So here is my very last picture of the sweater in question on my trip to Death Valley and you may notice that I got taller and grew a beard, ha ha!
No that is my very special honey (Geoff) taking his turn holding up the sweater at Scotty's Castle.
Geoff is a real Jimmy Beans Wool fan and he has even talked about how cool he thinks the Widgets are, which can be added to your blog, website or any cyber place that you may hang out once in a while. When I showed him how easy it was to add them to my personal cyber spaces he was really impressed!
At any rate stay tuned for next Friday's post as you will receive everything that you need to win that beautiful sweater Geoff is holding, but as always until then, happy knitting and crocheting!
I love purple and used to live in California (now New Zealand. Hope I can figure out your clues!