Today was our first 'Socks with Sandals' day at the shop! It was a lot of fun and we even had a very special visitor for the event, our own littlest bean Huck!

He was the messenger for a cute heart shaped note from his teacher Emily (taped to his back) who I have had the pleasure to help to learn to knit! Thanks Emily!! As you can see I have put it up on my rear view mirror and there it shall stay to cheer me as I drive along! I just taught her to purl (2 weeks ago maybe even 3??) and this is her way of saying she loves it!
He helped out by taking a phone order and was very determined to type in the information with as much force as he could muster!

He was also involved in our sock shaped cookie icing event and had his very first cookie for which I am guilty of not asking Mom aka Jimmy if it was alright (sorry Laura, blush), but the good news is he wasn't all that interested in the sugary treat! He was more interested in the key board than the cookies.
Now this fun day was organized by Amber and cookies by Amerique, thanks you two!! Yum Yum!

Now speaking of socks I couldn't resist and did cast on my
Egg-stra Special Socks last night and I am really excited to work these up and it's for such a great cause wow!! The pattern is really clear cut and the
XXL Trekking sock yarn by Zitron is sooooo soft and yummy what could I do? It was calling me...what's a sock knitter to do? Ha ha! Why knit socks of course!

Well that's all I have at the moment, as I must get back to my socks and wish you all (as always) happy knitting and crocheting!!

PS here is a picture of all of our decorated cookies waiting to be consumed, yum, yum!!