Sandy and I got a present from Jimmy...

Jimmy, aka Laura, just came back from Vogue Knitting Live in New York and I am in awe of the time that was had by Laura and Kaity!!! They went to get the word out on our Stitch Red campaign! There were events, charity auctions and so much more!

The book, titled Knit Red, will be coming out in June and so many wonderful people were excited to hear about it at the event that they wanted to be on board.There are a couple of things in the book that are near and dear to us here at JBW as Kristen, Sandy and I are all in the book!!!

Kristen designed the most wonderful market bag, I designed a special spa set (for use after a workout, remember we are working on fighting heart disease) and Sandy got to test knit the most lovely shawl designed by Kieran Foley...sigh!

The book proof!! Woohoo!

Here is a proof of the upcoming book and I am so thrilled to be involved that words just won't do!!

My humble spa set :)

Kristen's spectacular market bag!

Kieran Foley's shawl that Sandy knit...yummy!

I am excited to knit Kristen's Market Bag and am having a hard time waiting for the pattern to be published!!

Of course, there isn't much in the book that I don't like....hmmmm actually I love everything!!

There are 30 designs in the book, all from amazing designers (if I do say so myself. Ha ha)!!

Laura also went to the trouble to get some superstar signatures on the Charity Auction Programs for Sandy and me....WOW!!!

Alice Starmore signed 1st, then there are Debbie Bliss, Sarah Hutton, Kaffe Fasset, Nicky Epstein and a whole bunch more. Thanks, thanks, thanks Laura! I know that these will be treasured by both of us forever!! We will both be framing them and hanging them up for inspiration!!

All in all, the event was more than a success in so many ways. Remember that heart disease is the #1 killer of women. Exercise and diet are the best ways to fight this disease. You can read more about this silent killer here at The Heart Truth. Believe me, being part of this project has opened my eyes!!

Sandy's lovely collection!

Jeanne's collection...swoon!

I have added walking (how simple is that?) to my daily routine and am always working on my diet. I am finding it easier and easier to make those healthy choices.

As always happy knitting, crocheting and sewing!


PS Jimmy Beans Wool is the official yarn, knitting and crochet supplier to U.S. Snowboarding and U.S. Freeskiing! To encourage people to be creative on and off the slopes, we have partnered with Red Heart® yarns to create “Stitch Mountain." Check out the free Stitch Mountain patterns at and like our Facebook Fan Page!

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Vogue Knitting Live


  1. I love Red and I cannot wait to see this book - and awesome that you are in it too!

  2. Well! This is just going to be a great book! I can't wait to get a copy! Congrsts to all at Jimmy Beans!!!

  3. Looking good!
    We're very proud of Debbie Bliss' involvement. :-)

  4. Thanks for all the support!!! Jeanne

