I Need Advice!

Hmm... I just realized that those ("i need advice") are 3 words that rarely come out of my mouth... . I wonder if that means I'm a know-it-all? Or maybe i simply DO know it all. Ha ha - i'm joking, of course. Well, the truth of the matter is, when it comes to knitting and picking out patterns, I'm constantly in need of feedback and advice... i typically run to Sandy and beg her to help me, but since I'm at home (and she's an hour away), I was wondering if you guys would help me with a critical decision: what to knit for Allison's soon-to-be-born baby girl.

Allison has fair skin and very red hair (as does her mom and sis), so i'm guessing the kid will be similarly complected (is that a word?). That said, I think i've already chosen a yarn (Artyarns Supermerino Yarn in color 105, with 119 greens for embroidered flowers).
What i'm having trouble with is the pattern. Part of me wants to knit the Knitting Pure and Simple poncho below (in the smallest size) so that Allison can throw it over the kid easily in the winter. (She lives in my home state of North Carolina, so even lightweight wool might be too much for the summer months.) But part of me wants to knit the cute little cardigan (it's a free pattern on the Knitting Pure and Simple website), with green flowers embroidered around the bottom (guess i could do that with the poncho also). Anyway, I'm dying to get started on this (but promised myself i'd get through at the least the 6th color on my kidsilk haze scarf first), so any advice you give would be greatly appreciated. The patterns are below, as well as cute little voting boxes for you to use... (at the very bottom of the post - under the photos and near the "share" button). Blogger now has these "reactions" things, so I guess we'll just test it out and see what happens.

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Knitting Pure and Simple Poncho


  1. I'm a cardigan/sweater person...also floating around out there in knit land is a cute kimono type sweater...I'm thinking of trying to knit that one someday for a grand niece.

  2. Thanks! The kimono sounds adorable too... maybe for her 1st or 2nd birthday??

  3. The best kimono free pattern is at Berroco.com It's very cute!!

  4. I voted for the cardigan only because I "worry" about really young babies getting twisted in anything - blankets, loose garments, etc., and not being able to breathe. When the baby is older the poncho would be fine (when she is old enough to sit up) but for a newborn, or little older - they nap a lot - I don't even like toys or pillows in cribs. I don't want to put a down side on things but I have heard too many stories. Even with the cardigan - I would think about leaving the hood off and knitting a matching cap for when the baby is up with supervision, or going out with Mom. Just my "older mom's personal opinion". PS - that yarn is going to be perfect with a fair skinned red-headed little princess!!!!!

  5. as a mom of a squirmy 11 month old princess, i'm in love with the poncho-- especially as we're in the middle of the 7 inches we're supposed to get today!! :-)

  6. I love them both and have made them both, but I think the cardigan with little flowers around teh bottom would be absolutely precious.

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