For students at UNR it is finally Spring Break! I, being one of those students, have been looking forward to this glorious classes-free week since Winter Break. Many students like to travel, catch up on homework, or do nothing and relax from the riggers of their studies. Personally, I love Spring Break because I can knit for a week straight instead of spending the day on campus or reading that pile of books next to my bed. During the semester I have to be careful with my knitting addiction, because once I start a project, chances are I will not get any schoolwork done until I finish it. When it comes to knitting, I have no self-control :)

My goal for this break is to finish a pair of fingerless gloves as a present for my roommate whose birthday is fast approaching. A few weeks ago, while procrastinating an assignment for my economics class, I found the perfect (free) pattern on Ravelry called Suzie's Reading Mits by Janelle Masters. These simple and stylish foves (fingerless gloves) knit up quickly in DK or sport weight yarn and keep your hands super toasty. I managed to finish most of the first one in the airport waiting for my flight to Boise (I did a little bit of traveling as well this break and visited the fam for a few days), and am almost done with the second! I chose to work with Louisa Harding’s DK weight yarn Grace, a 50% silk, 50% merino wool blend for its subtle sheen and heavenly feel. This luscious yarn knits up into a fabric the texture of clouds –or at least how I imaging clouds feel—it is absolutely delightful and I am contemplating giving my roommate something else instead ;)

With only a few days remaining, I am hoping to finish these foves tonight so that I have the last 72 hours of Spring Break to stick my nose back to the grindstone. I plan on powering through the next 8 weeks of the semester with the promise of a summer full of knitting waiting for me after finals!
Happy knitting and/or crocheting!
Hi, I am the owner of Dancing Ewe Yarns in Ellensburg, WA. I own the pattern, Susie's Reading Mitts. I am happy to share this pattern with everyone. I ask retail yarn shops to use the name of my shop in any publication or promotion of this pattern. It was designed by Susie Rogers and Janelle Masters who were employeed by Dancing Ewe Yarns. I would be happy, if you would acknowledge that the pattern can found at Dancing Ewe Yarns, The pattern is not available at Ravelry, but there is a link to our site from Ravelry. Thank You.