We got down to Santa Clara mid afternoon on Wednesday and here we are unloading stuff out of my truck. As you can see the silliness has already begun! We worked on putting our booth together until 6:00 when we had to get out and go do some knitting, or hot tubing, or just put our feet up it was Little Beans choice on that one.
Sandy and I retired to our lovely room in the Hilton right across from the show (good call Laura) and knit the night away. Amber went hot tubing and then Laura, Victoria and Amber met up with Della of Della Q accessories and visited for a bit. Ok nighty night!

The show always opens on Thursday night for a preview and we had this booth put together and up and running by show time at 5:00!!

Here is Sandy the cube builder! Watch out for that mallet, ha ha!! Go Sandy go!!!

She was at the end of the booth that featured the Trendsetter Cha Cha yarn and free pattern from 2 Askew Designs and she did a fantastic job of helping out! Thanks Toni you are the best!
A quick side note on the Cha Cha we did an instructional video on how to work with this fun ribbon yarn and you may want to take a quick peek before you cast on!
We had some fantastic discontinued Crystal Palace yarns with us and they just flew out of the booth! CPY Aran Marl is a 102 yards of knitting/crocheting pleasure. Also there was the CPY Sequoia yarn, Aran Print, and the CPY Kaya yarn too! All of these great yarns were a huge hit and we did bring back just a bit of each one, so you may want to take a look and get on board before we sell out.
Iris the Gourmet Mo

Here is Amber well, just being Amber with her sassy little attitude! Gotta love her for sure and she was so awesome to work with at the show too!

We were all amazing if I do say so myself, but of course I am a bit biased when it comes to us little beans, ha ha! We met so many of our out of town customers and hugged, laughed and just enjoyed getting together!

One morning Sandy and I came to the elevator and found this little 'Yarn Bomb' on the phone there! Knitting strikes when you least expect it to!

Well I am sure I could go on and on about all the knitting celebrities we met, the beautiful things we saw and just the general fun we had, but I better get back to work and catch up here in the shop. I must say that the little beans we left behind to hold things together did a FANTASTIC job and the shop was in great shape when we came back! THANKS!!
As always happy knitting and crocheting! Jeanne
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