We had a HUGE filming session on Wednesday and most of yesterday I was in mental la la land. It's fun to do these videos, but it really does tire all of us out. So many of you are so supportive of our filming that I thought you might like to see the other side of things and so Sara took on the picture taking for me, so I could show you some of the silly things that go on

when we are filming. Left Greg and I are discussing the line up of products etc., and boo hoo, that was Greg's last day with us on a regular basis, as he is moving on to some fun new things. He will be popping in from time to say hi and help film (he's great at it), but he has really added a nice balance to a place full of women. Laura brought in a thank you cake and as you can see we liked it a lot! I think Greg maybe was able to take 1 piece home, sorry Greg what are you gonna do, ha ha!
We filmed 5

instructional videos for you and I have to tell you these make me a nervous wreck! I think it's because I just want to make sure you will be able to understand me when I blather on about this technique or that, but we got them done and with Victoria's help they are going to have fantastic little written descriptions with them to clarify some of my blather. They should be up in the
instruction section of the site within a week or so and I hope you will let me know what you think. Here you can see Greg zooming in while I am talking about the
Magic Loop and I did go over (very briefly) 2 at a time socks.
We reviewed so many cool new things including a bunch of
Spud & Chloe patterns and
Blue Sky Alpacas patterns too!

We were lucky enough to have their trunk show visit us for the last few weeks (thanks BSA for letting us keep it a bit longer you are the best!), so I didn't want to let it go without showing you these fabulous garments up close and personal. To the left I am reviewing the
Knit Chickens by Blue Sky Alpacas. This is the cutest pattern and I have it at home, so now that I have held the real chicken I will have to cast on!
We did anywhere from 44-52 videos total in about 6 hours, so you can bet that we were all bushed. I had Sharon join me for the review of the
Lorna's Laces Iris the Gourmet Monster kit, Victoria (who I drug kicking and screaming but she did a GREAT job) helped me review her fantastic new
stitch markers. Of course Sandy and I got a little silly in a couple of them and I even got Sara in front of the camera to help me review
The Yarn Pull EZE, reluctant as she was.
We reviewed books, patterns, yarns, bags, wallets, yarn, patterns, bags, wallets, well you get the idea! Please let me know if you ever want us to review something for you, or teach you something new, as I really do pay attention. Connie one of our online customers had called that day and during a break I called her back to help her with a question and she was so excited that I was filming her suggestion for short rows. Stay tuned Connie it will be up soon and thanks so much for the suggestion!
Here are just some random pictures and from the filming day.

Sharon eating yummy cake to the left and Sharon and Shevawn just hanging out below.

Sandy what are you talking about and don't kill me for this one it was Sara, ha ha! What ever she is saying she really means it!
Of course to the right is Laura our very own 'Jimmy' and what's she gonna do lead the orchestra?
Everyone seems to be ridiculously afraid of the camera and here's Kathy hiding behind our black curtain. Silly Kathy come on out and join in the fun!

I will leave you with an image of Greg being serious and me well just being silly. What can I say that's me and thank heavens for all the other beans to keep me grounded, or I really think I would just float off into silly land.
As always happy knitting and crocheting! Jeanne
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